Requirement is to check or get the list of blobs from containers in an Azure Storage Account.
Using the Azure CLI command:
az storage blob list --account-name gmepsstorageprod --container-name insights-logs-querystoreruntimestatistics --output table --auth-mode key
will list the content in the screen so fast, I cant copy and pasted it on a text file.
And then, I used the AZ Cli for powershell..
saved the output in a variable and used the cmdlet Export-csv
PS C:\Users\Ely.Palad> $result = az storage blob list –account-name gmepsstorageprod –container-name insights-logs-querystoreruntimestatistics –output table –auth-mode key
PS C:\Users\Ely.Palad> $result > .\insights-logs-querystoreruntimestatistics.csv