After reading the Asterisk Overview a few post back, let’s continue with our adventure in the world of Asterisk – the open source telephone toolkit.
We need to do two things (that is, two steps) in order install Asterisk on our vmware powered Red hat enterprise server:
- Get the source code
- Compile to produce the binaries
Get the Source Code
Click the links below to get a copy of Asterisk
Asterisk 1.2.4
Zaptel 1.2.4
Libpri 1.2.2
Asterisk-sounds 1.2.1 – Additional sound prompts
Asterisk-addons 1.2.1 – Additional modules
Or to get the latest version with the latest update, get the source of Asterisk from the CVS server:
To get a fresh copy from the CVS server use these commands:
# cd /usr/src
#mkdir asterisk
# export
# cvs login
Compiling Asterisk
To install Asterisk, we need to update (if you donwloaded the source) and change to that asterisk directory. Example:
#cd /usr/src/asterisk
You can then start the compiling process…
Follow this installation order: libpri, zaptel, asterisk
-Installing libpri
#cd /usr/src/asterisk/libpri
#make clean
#make install
-Installing zaptel
#cd /usr/src/asterisk/zaptel
#make clean
Note: If you are using kernel 2.6 enter the following command ‘#make linux26’, before doing ‘#make install’.
#make install
-Installing asterisk
#cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk
#make clean
Note: If you want to use a mp3 files for music-on-hold enter the following command ‘#make mpg123’, before doing ‘#make install’.
#make install
If this is your first installation perform ‘make samples’ to install sample configuration files.
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