SVM: Determine Free Space on Soft Partition , we use the metastat -c command…
[root@localhost] /work/users> metastat -c d103
d103 p 32GB d100
d100 m 68GB d101 d102
d101 s 68GB c1t2d0s0
d102 s 68GB c1t3d0s0
[root@localhost] /work/users> metastat -p d103
d103 -p d100 -o 32 -b 58720256 -o 127926432 -b 8388608
d100 -m d101 d102 1
d101 1 1 c1t2d0s0
d102 1 1 c1t3d0s0
So from the first metastat -c d103.. that’s a mirrored 68G partition, d100 and a 32G soft partition d103.. We still have around 35G of space.
update: — someone comment please.. this information is incomplete!