Just want to document it here. A colleague request to kill multiple PID owned by different users. They don’t have any special privilege to kill process other than their own.
Here’s a simple for…loop script that will look for and kill each PID it found.
#!/bin/sh -x
ps -ef | grep nobody | awk ‘{print $2}’ > /tmp/PID
for PID in `cat $filePID`
kill -9 $PID
Line 1, tells which shell will execute the script
Line 2, gets all the PID to be killed and store them on a file.
Line 3, assigns a variable for the file
Line 4 to 7 is the for…do loop which basically gets each line on the file, store the value on $PID and then kill whatever value is in it on line 6.
Yucky script. Post a better one.
You don’t need a script, just add xargs:
ps -ef | grep nobody | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs kill -9
*cough* *cough*
pkill -9 nobody
kill -9 $(ps -unobody -opid | sed 1d)
…except I’d *never* script a kill -9 without massive amounts of sanity and error checking.
geeez, you guys are all correct…
xargs is sooo true… pkill is not for everyone, well at least for solaris 2.6 and below, and kill -9 is indeed not for kids.